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Review | Four-Fifths A Grizzly: A New Perspective On Nature That Just Might Save Us All

This beautifully written and designed book is pure advocacy - of the idea that we humans are nature, and our future depends on accepting this fact. This seems obvious to many of us, but as a species we don’t act as though we understand its implications. We are special. We are exceptional. The laws of nature do not apply to us. The Earth is made for us, and we can do whatever we want to it with impunity, like remove the forests, kill the coral reefs, and drive myriad fellow travelers to extinction, among other things.

National Parks Traveler Checklist: Arches National Park

Arches National Park in Utah is of the size where you can see and do many things in a single day. Make the effort to spend more than one day to truly get a feel for this park with the “densest concentration of natural stone arches in the world.” If you are thinking of a trip to Arches, this Traveler’s Checklist will help you make the most of your red-rock adventures.

Temporary Closure And Restriction For A Portion of Brooks River In Katmai National Park

Katmai National Park and Preserve, under the discretionary authority of the Superintendent, is initiating a temporary closure on the Brooks River between the downstream reach of the active Brooks River falls closure and a further downstream point indicated by a closure sign on the bank of the Brooks River.