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Lawsuit Challenges FAA License For Spaceport Near Cumberland Island National Seashore

A legal challenge has been mounted with hopes of reversing the Federal Aviation Administration's decision to issue an operating license to a commercial spaceport that would launch rocket ships over Cumberland Island National Seashore off the coast of Georgia.

Swapping Invasive Lemongrass For Fruit Trees In Antigua’s Rainforest

Near the top of the hike up Signal Hill where Antigua’s last remaining rainforest gives way to rocky barrens, clumps of a long and deceptively pretty plant with a bright, citrus aroma sprout from the volcanic soil. It’s lemongrass — that ingredient we all love in Thai curries and soups, but an invasive species that grows fast and burns easily on this Caribbean island because of the high oil content in its leaves.

National Parks Forever: Protecting Parks From Politics

National parks probably have never been entirely immune from political influences, whether they came out of Washington, D.C., or close to a park’s boundaries. But there’s an argument that can be made, one backed up by evidence, that the past 50 years have seen the most egregious attempts to subvert the mission of the National Park Service to preserve and protect natural resources unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations.