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City Kids Experience Camping and Some Old-Time Fun at Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area

"Silver turtles" cooked over hot coals for supper, cane pole fishing, stories around the campfire and a Dutch oven breakfast aren't standard fare for most modern-day kids from the inner city, but a group of youngsters from the Atlanta area got to experience that and more during an overnight campout at Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area.

Mennonite Women Backpacking and Bears Falling in Shenandoah National Park

Fall is a spectacular season to hike in Shenandoah National Park. Reds, golds, greens and browns are dappling the hillsides, deer are on the move, and, if your timing is excellent, bears are falling from the trees and Mennonite women are backpacking along the Appalachian Trail.

Denali National Park Officials Looking At Allocation of Climbing Permits For Mount McKinley

While it's long been settled that 1,500 climbing permits are issued annually for Mount McKinley in Denali National Park and Preserve, how those permits are distributed between guiding companies and private groups is now being revisited by park officials.

Big, Bold And Beautiful, New Road and Bridge Over Gibbon River in Yellowstone National Park is Completed

After months of construction, and no small inconvenience to visitors, the construction of a new bridge over the Gibbon River and a realigned roadway has ended in Yellowstone National Park and the result is a safer, more beautiful roadway with good access to picnic areas and fishing.

How Might Fatal Attack By Mountain Goat Change Backcountry Dynamics in National Parks?

Mountain goats have been described as "supreme mountaineers," can appear somewhat professorial in appearance with their goatees, and have uncanny agility. Now, in the tragic wake of a hiker being fatally gored in the Olympic National Park backcountry, some might also describe them as killers.

Bridge Day 2010 is in the Books at New River Gorge National River

On one day each October since 1980, thousands of people have happily accepted the invitation to "take a flying leap" from the longest single-span steel arch bridge in the western hemisphere. The 31st annual Bridge Day was held on October 16, 2010, at New River Gorge National River in West Virginia.