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Wanted: Interns to Help With Safety Studies in the National Park System

In an effort to make visitors a bit safer in national parks, the National Park Service is working with the Student Conservation Association to get into the minds of park visitors. And the agency is looking for some interns to help develop an understanding of why visitors do the things they do in the parks.

Coalition of Groups Asks President Obama To Halt Move to Allow Weapons in National Parks

President Obama stated his support for the 2nd Amendment during the presidential campaign. But how does he stand on allowing national park visitors to arm themselves? A coalition of groups has asked the president to stop a Senate effort to open national parks to a variety of weapons, from pistols to semi-automatics.

Mountain Life To be Celebrated In Festival at Great Smoky Mountains National Park

There's something special about the Appalachian Mountains and the folks who homesteaded them and handed down their traditions to their kin. This Saturday you can experience a rich slice of that lifestyle at the annual "Cosby in the Park" festival at Great Smoky Mountains National Park.