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A Hike To LeConte Lodge in Great Smoky Mountains National Park Is Just Part of the Adventure

I am a social hiker. For me, one of the highlights of hiking is meeting friendly and energetic people on the trail. That’s why I love the camaraderie at LeConte Lodge in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The lodge, which can only be reached by foot, is luxurious considering it’s located on top of Mt. LeConte at 6,593 ft. Groups come here for family reunions and some people train for weeks before attempting the trip because it’s the only hiking they do all year.

National Park Service Revising Regulations To Better Manage Oil And Gas Exploration in Parks

Call it long overdue housekeeping, but the National Park Service is working to revise 30-year-old regulations that affect non-federal oil and gas development that could occur, or already is occurring, in some of its units. In other words, energy development within a park on lands owned by anyone other than the federal government, such as states or even private landowners. The bottom-line of the revisions is to better protect parks from energy development.

Candlelight Tour at Fort McHenry National Monument Offers Rare Nighttime Look at the Fort

Fort McHenry is best known as the birthplace of the "Star-Spangled Banner," but the old fort has seen a lot of other history in the years since its stone walls were completed in 1803. A special candlelight tour on December 5 will offer a rare chance to visit the fort after dark and see how Yuletide celebrations have changed during the past 200 years.

Groundbreaking For Tamiami Trail Bridge That Will Aid Everglades National Park Water Flows Set for Dec. 4

It'll be a short ceremony, but when officials gather December 4 to mark the groundbreaking of the Tamiami Trail Bridge, they'll set in motion a construction project that should carry significant benefits for Everglades National Park.