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Can You Top These Examples Of Unusual Outdoor Gear?

Although most of us have some favorite pieces of equipment for trips to a park, the combination of modern technology and human ingenuity continues to come up with new—and sometimes better—ideas. Here's a fun look at a few examples of outdoor gear that could be described as the most innovative, unusual or ....well, I'll let you pick your own adjectives.

Update: President's FY14 Budget Proposal Would Get Interior "Out Of Ditch," Provide $2.3 Billion For National Park Service

Recent years of relatively sparse federal funding have left the Interior Department and its agencies "in the ditch," according to Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, who says President Obama's FY14 budget proposal will reverse that trend if approved by Congress.
Image icon DOI-Budget in Brief.pdf

Yellowstone National Park Officials Looking To Improve Visitors' Experience In "Cascade Corner"

"Cascade corner," which draws its name from the many waterfalls in Yellowstone National Park's southwest corner, long has been a rather overlooked area of the park. But with more and more visitors taking notice and heading there, park officials are looking into ways to improve their visits.

Wilderness Wisdom

"Anyone who tells you portaging is fun is either a liar, or crazy, or maybe both." That's hard wisdom from the late Bill Mason, a legendary canoe paddler, naturalist, and author, to dispute. It's just one of the gems to be found in the second edition of Wilderness Wisdom, a pocket-sized book of inspiring quotations well-suited for the outdoors.

Birding In the National Parks: The Crossley ID Guide--Raptors

A few months back we talked about the hawk watch at Acadia National Park. I mentioned a few books that are useful for the enterprising raptor enthusiast. At the time I was also aware that a new raptor identification aid was on the way, but I kept that little secret to myself. The proverbial cat is out of the bag now, and I’ve spent the last couple weeks devouring The Crossley ID Guide: Raptors.