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Essential Friends + Gateways: Trust For the National Mall, New Efforts To Save Our Icons

The term “national park” has a kneejerk meaning to many—only the clued-in know how diverse “units” of the park system really are. Towering Half Dome in Yosemite National Park isn’t the only grand granite monument protected by the National Park Service—and you don’t even need to look beyond the borders of Washington, D.C., to prove it.

Dedication Ceremony For New Bright Angel Trailhead At Grand Canyon National Park On May 18

Hikers who are beginning or ending a trip on the Bright Angel Trail at the South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park can soon do so in a much more pleasant and attractive setting. A dedication and ribbon cutting ceremony will be held for a new trailhead at 4 p.m. on Saturday, May 18, 2013.

Biscayne, The Closest National Park To Miami, Remains A Mystery

Miami’s number one boating destination has an identity crisis. While it has won over Washington D.C. politicians, residents look right past it. Even thousand of volunteers who care enough to clean up the city’s main body of water, Biscayne Bay, don’t know that they are touching holy waters of the federal kind.