With its densely forested landscape, Catoctin Mountain Park in Maryland doesn't easily give up its secrets. But if you have a trained eye, you can spot ancient quarries Native Americans relied on for their tools.
Though the calendar is running down on the incubation period for Hantavirus infecting visitors who stayed in Yosemite National Park this summer, a ninth case has been confirmed, park officials said Thursday. Three of those individuals died from the rare, rodent-borne disease, while the others are recovering.
Much of the recent news from Yosemite National Park hasn't focused on the area's spectacular scenery, but rather on an outbreak of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS). Thus far, eight people who spent at least one night in the park this summer have been stricken, and three have died. Has this situation caused you to reconsider plans to visit Yosemite?
With the Obama administration nearing the end of its first term, it has a track record for its stance on public lands in general and national parks specifically, and it's not as rosy as many conservationists had hoped for when the president came into office.
It's not-quite-mid-September, leaves are only starting to turn in some parts of the country, the furnace hasn't kicked on yet...but it's not too early to plan your winter adventure in Yellowstone National Park.
Backpackers now have a much safer way to get from the overnight hiker parking lot just outside of Devils Postpile National Monument to the Devils Postpile trailhead, which accesses the John Muir and Pacific Crest trails as well as many wilderness destinations on the Inyo National Forest.
Not two weeks after Interior Department officials announced their decision to remove Endangered Species Act protection from wolves throughout most of Wyoming, a handful of conservation groups has announced its intention to sue the government over the move.
While most people think of the four seasons we all know so well, birders have a different calendar with more descriptive headings than “spring” and “winter.” And right now we are at the peak of hawk season.