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Inside The Lavish D.C. Home Of An Abolitionist Who Escaped Enslavement

It’s an 85-step climb to the hilltop home of Frederick Douglass in D.C.’s predominantly African American Anacostia neighborhood. For me, it’s just a brief cardio challenge. For Douglass, it must have served as a constant reminder of his journey from enslaved child to leading voice in the abolitionist movement, equal rights advocate and statesman.

House Funding Decisions For National Park Service Show Contradictions

While the House of Representatives couldn't alter the flow of funding to the Greater American Outdoors Act that helps federal land managers tackled backlogged maintenance projects, the chamber did make significant cuts into the National Park Service's two main accounts that fund construction, repairs, and maintenance.

Texas Preserve Designated as Nation’s Newest National Natural Landmark

Interior Secretary Deb Haaland has affirmed the designation of Independence Creek Preserve in west Texas as the nation’s newest National Natural Landmark, recognizing an important piece of America’s natural heritage. This nearly 20,000-acre Chihuahuan Desert preserve is protected and managed by The Nature Conservancy.