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National Park Service Studying Impacts Of eBikes

Nearly four years after then-Interior Secretary David Bernhardt issued an order to allow eBikes to use the same trails in the National Park System that are open to muscle-powered mechanical bikes the National Park Service is taking a nationwide look at the impacts of those bikes as required under the National Environmental Policy Act.

Photography In The National Parks: Photo Documentation

Many of you visiting a unit within the National Park System capture photos for more than just Instagram, right? Maybe those shots will accompany a blog, report, or other online/paper publication. How you photographically document your subject determines the extent to which your viewing audience will understand and appreciate that feature, concept, or process.

Fire Danger Increasing In Sequoia, Kings Canyon National Parks

Growing fire danger is leading to fire restrictions at Kings Canyon and Sequoia national parks in California, where fire restrictions taking effect on Wednesday will prohibit campfires and charcoal fires in the hot, dry, low-elevation areas of the parks, including Potwisha Campground and Hospital Rock and Ash Mountain Picnic Areas.

Funding Outlook For National Park Service Bleak At This Point

While the debt ceiling standoff in Congress has been resolved, committee work on appropriations bills for the federal government is reflecting efforts by Republicans to fund agencies at levels below those negotiators had agreed to with President Biden. For the National Park Service and other Interior Department bureaus, the cuts could result in funding levels ranging from "draconian to unrealistic."