Irony can't be overlooked when one considers the move by Wyoming officials to hold up the federal government for millions of dollars for two square miles of land surrounded by Grand Teton National Park.
When Theodore Roosevelt National Park officials move forward this fall with a plan to reduce the park's elk population, they'll need professional meat packers to get the elk carcasses out of the park. If you fit that bill, now's the time to apply.
What should National Park Service rangers do when they come across a visitor who has gone astray of park regulations? For instance, should they have cited those women in Glacier National Park who squeezed off a round from a .357 to scare a deer, or was the warning enough?
Calm is returning to the Norris Campground in Yellowstone National Park, where rangers have moved a grizzly who had been roaming the campground to a zoo.
Reservations for the free guided canoe trips on Cedar Creek in South Carolina's Congaree National Park can now be booked up to several months in advance, making it much easier for visitors with flexible plans to lock in seats for the popular weekend trips.
California's Shasta Lake Recreation Area was a National Park System property for only three years before it was transferred to the Forest Service on July 1, 1948. The Forest Service now administers the lake as a component of Shasta-Trinity National Forest and Whiskeytown-Shasta-Trinity National Recreation Area.
Greetings from Idaho’s Massacre Rocks State Park on the Snake River. It is the morning of July 5th and the weather is excellent. Potential travelers to the state of famous potatoes will be pleased to know the park wasn’t named for RV owners massacred by road bandits.
Thanks to a tenacious Native American banker who grew up on the flanks of Glacier National Park, the federal government is moving to correct mismanagement of oil and gas royalties due Native Americans across the country.
Summer days can be pretty warm in many parks, so the staff at Richmond National Battlefield Park has come up with a nice option: a series of evening guided walks and programs held every Saturday during the month of July.