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Photography In The National Parks: The Beauty Of A Simple Composition

There’s something to be said for a simple composition, you know. Something to be said for an image not requiring much parsing through the various details combined to create a shot, the gist of which might take time to fully comprehend. A simple image can pack a punch and create an emotional response despite, or perhaps because of, its minimalism.

$2 million Released In Maritime Heritage Preservation Grants

The National Park Service has announced $2 million in maritime heritage grants to assist funding 12 preservation projects in nine states. In partnership with the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Maritime Administration, the NPS is awarding grants for education programs and projects that will preserve sites and objects related to the nation’s maritime history.

Public Input Sought For National Global War On Terrorism Memorial

The National Park Service, in cooperation with the Global War on Terrorism Memorial Foundation, is accepting comments from the public on the site for the proposed National Global War on Terrorism Memorial. Three locations within the District of Columbia have been identified for consideration as a site for the memorial: Constitution Avenue and 23rd Street NW, Constitution Gardens, and along the Potomac River at Ohio Drive SW and West Basin Drive SW.