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9th Circuit Refuses To Stay Order Requiring Interior Department To Rehire National Park Service Workers

Interior Department officials on Monday were denied a stay of an order requiring them to rehire National Park Service workers fired earlier this year while they were on probationary status.
PDF icon gov.uscourts.ca9_.51fc2b15-8193-40ab-9ac0-c06b8c86c68c.14.0.pdf

A Day In The Park: Redwood National And State Parks

Visit Redwood National and State Parks in northern California and you can wander shaded forest trails lit by pale sunlight filtering through mist swirling around the crowns of tall trees while walking alongside forest floors carpeted by feathered fern fronds in varying shades of green. You’ll smell the forest scents and maybe a little salt air from the Pacific Ocean beyond.

UPDATE | 2025 State Of The Birds Report Documents Continued Declines In Species

Sea ducks such as Common eiders, grassland birds such as Western meadowlarks and Lark buntings, and forest species such as Pinyon jays in the West and Bachman's sparrow in the East are among a wide variety of bird species that are in serious declines, according to the 2025 State of the Birds report.