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Video Offers A "Tanker's-Eye View" Of Yosemite National Park And The Rim Fire

Retardant drops from air tankers have become a standard weapon in the fight against large wildfires, such as the Rim Fire affecting a corner of Yosemite National Park. There's occasional debate about the pros and cons of that technique, but there's no doubting the skill and courage of the crews of those aircraft. Here's a video with a pilot's-eye view of Yosemite during operations over the Rim Fire.

Young Sled Dogs Get Their Feet Wet At Denali National Park And Preserve

Three of the newest members of the NPS crew at Denali National Park and Preserve are named Prusik, Munter and Clove, and we reported on the birth of the three sled dog pups earlier this summer on the Traveler. The young dogs are doing great and as part of their training, they joined their mom and a ranger in a little exercise that literally let them get their feet wet.

Chaco Culture National Historical Park Could Gain Measure Of Protection From BLM Oil And Gas Leasing Plan

Chaco Culture National Historical Park could gain a measure of protection from oil and gas leasing on surrounding public lands via a draft plan crafted by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, though the agency is being prodded to be even more circumspect in shielding the park.

9th U.S. Circuit Court Turns Down Oyster Company's Request For Preliminary Injunction Against National Park Service

An oyster company hoping to retain its lease at Point Reyes National Seashore was dealt another setback Tuesday when an appellate court refused to issue a preliminary injunction against the National Park Service.