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Refinery Accident Causes Brief Concerns at San Antonio Missions National Historical Park

It's been a tough week for the oil and gas industry, one which has held plenty of anxious moments for several NPS areas located in the vicinity of recent accidents. The latest involved an explosion at a refinery near San Antonio Missions National Historic Park; two of the historic structures were closed temporarily and precautionary measures were taken for possible contamination of important waterways.

Tamarisk, aka "Salt Cedar," A Thirsty Scourge Of Western National Parks

The showy tamarisk tree, aka "Saltcedar," long has been reviled as a thirsty scourge of Western national park riparian areas. But new research shows it's not any thirstier than some native species. However, tamarisk isn't valued as highly as cottonwoods and willows by some bird species, the studies say.

Landmark Ranger Station Along Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park to Get Facelift

As noted in Ranger Confidential: Living, Working and Dying in the National Parks, housing for rangers is not like staying in the Hilton...or even a Super 8. Still, the historic river ranger station in Grand Canyon National Park is in a fantastic setting. And this summer it'll get some upgrades.