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Public Comments Run Against Extension of Oyster Company Lease at Point Reyes National Seashore

Spurred by a U.S. senator determined to reverse congressional action from four decades ago, Point Reyes National Seashore officials are compiling a voluminous environmental impact statement on whether an oyster farm or official wilderness should occupy Drakes Estero.

Raffle of Some Of Montana's Best Photography Will Benefit Glacier National Park, Waterton Lakes National Park

Grassroots efforts are not without their expenses, and when it comes to advocating for a large swath of landscape that includes Glacier National Park and its Canadian neighbor, Waterton Lakes National Park, well, you can probably imagine the financial outlay.

Hard Choices Ahead: Are New NPS Areas Compatible with Calls for a Balanced Budget?

Two bills introduced this month by Senator Mark Udall (D-Colorado) illustrate major challenges that lie ahead for parks and for the nation's economy. Are proposals for possible new additions to the National Park System compatible with calls for a balanced federal budget?