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Antietam National Battlefield

National Park Service Rolling Out 5-Year Plan to Commemorate 150th Anniversary of Civil War

Through the course of the next five years the National Park Service will be rolling out a series of programs to both help commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Civil War and highlight its impact on the Civil Rights movement in this country.

Anniversary Battlefield Hike to be Held at Antietam National Battlefield on September 17

On September 17, 1862, savage combat at the Battle of Antietam near Sharpsburg, Maryland, yielded 23,000 casualties. This Friday, on the 148th anniversary of the battle that blunted the first Confederate invasion of the North and opened the way to the Emancipation Proclamation, an all-day guided hike at Antietam National Battlefield will give visitors a close encounter with the scenes of the action on "the bloodiest day in American history."

Antietam, Monocacy Battlefields on 2008 "Most Endangered" List

Development pressures, cellphone towers, and mining threats are among the concerns that landed the Antietam and Monocacy national battlefields, a portion of Cedar Creek and Belle Grove National Historical Park, and seven other battlefields on the 2008 list of "Most Endangered" Civil War battlefields.
Image icon 2008 Endangered Battlefields.pdf

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