Not quite a decade after agreeing whitebark pines were a species in need of Endangered Species Act protection, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service now is proposing to list the iconic trees as threatened under the act.
In October, more than two years after the last caribou in the Maligne Valley of Jasper National Park died or disappeared, Parks Canada announced a tentative plan for a caribou captive breeding program. Subject to an expert review that will likely take place in January, females from other herds will be rounded up and penned in a facility near the town of Jasper.
Planning for your next national park trip once the parks re-open? Can’t decide where to go? Photographer Rebecca Latson shares her final list of favorite spots for photo ops within national parks she’s visited. Perhaps her favorite spots will become your favorite spots. Or perhaps her favorite spots already are your favorite spots.
It’s March 2020 and now time for another national parks quiz with a little trivia thrown in. Are you ready to test your national parks knowledge? See how much you know on your own, first, before checking the answers at the end of the page.
Continuing a series of national parks quizzes and trivia, contributing editor Rebecca Latson wants you to try your hand at Quiz #3 to see just how much park knowledge you possess before checking the answers at the bottom of the article.
Our neighbors to the North have some pretty amazing national parks of their own, such as Banff National Park, a landscape of rugged mountains and clear lakes.
Günther Bloch set out to study the Pipestone wolves “to outline the difference between a wolf ‘pack’ and a wolf family, and we wanted to describe the wolves’ different personality types and how this impacted their survival rates in the Bow Valley." This book is not, however, a dry scientific report. It is a large format (9”x11”) description, complemented by Marriott’s terrific photographs, of the fate of one wolf family in Canada’s flagship national park.
With attendance at Banff National Park steadily increasing and an influx of visitors expected this year as part of the Canada 150 celebration, Parks Canada will expand shuttle services to help alleviate traffic around the town of Banff and Lake Louise.