Fifty years ago, when the federal government bought the Big Cypress Swamp and created the 729,000-acre Big Cypress National Preserve, it left a loophole that makes the word “preserve” somewhat misleading.
When Kurt Repanshek launched the Traveler back in August of 2005, it was primarily to find stories that he could pitch to magazines. But the magazine world took a nosedive, while at the same time readership on the Traveler continued to grow.
It’s been six years since an oil company headed out across the marl prairie of Big Cypress National Preserve with vehicles weighing as much as 30 tons to search for oil reserves. Signs of that work continue to show on the prairie, despite stringent National Park Service requirements for restoring the landscape after the searching was completed.
Six years after an oil company headed out across Big Cypress National Preserve to search for oil, signs of that work still scar the landscape, though National Park Service staff say reclamation of the area has finished.
A spending bill designed to "rightsize" federal agency spending that was approved by the House Appropriations Committee on Wednesday would cut the National Park Service's upcoming budget by 12.5 percent, resulting in the loss of more than 1,000 park staff and reduce the agency's maintenance and historic preservation funding, according to the National Parks Conservation Association.
A long-running gap in reviews into the health of the endangered Florida panther population has prompted a petition to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service that it produce the report as required.
Concerns that planners of Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Program didn't properly consider how climate-change impacts might affect the massive project are prompting another review of the planning.
Fire crews have contained 40 percent of the Cypress Camp Trail Fire at Big Cypress National Preserve in Florida. The fire has currently burned 9,722 acres since staff were notified of the fire on April 5th, 2023.