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Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park

Groups Continually At Work To Acquire Private Lands Key To National Parks

Ecosystem restoration. Protecting vistas from trophy homes. Critical wildlife habitat. Preserving Civil War history. And yes, even recreational needs are among the many reasons groups work to purchase private inholdings across the National Park System, which contains approximately 2.6 million acres of inholdings.

24 Hours On The North Rim Of Black Canyon Of The Gunnison National Park

Anyone who has studied a national park long enough realizes there is no way to fully appreciate what they have offer in 24 hours. Changing light and changing seasons can make the most familiar features new again. In our recent June visit, my wife, Kellie, and I attempted to absorb, in a 24-hour visit, the less-visited vertical landscape of the North Rim of the Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park in western Colorado.

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