Planning is under way to develop a bird species baseline for Death Valley National Park, and volunteers are being sought to help with the data collection.
Death Valley National Park has joined Big Bend National Park and Natural Bridges National Monument as the only units of the National Park System to gain gold certification as an International Dark Sky Park.
Death Valley National Park has some of the darkest night skies in the country, which make for incredible canvases to watch star shows on clear nights. Don't think so? Check out this video by Gavin Heffernan, Michael Darrow and Rachel Payne of Sunchaser Pictures.
Don't start planning your 2013 national park vacation just yet, for poised like the sword of Damocles over the National Park Service is the looming "fiscal cliff" that threatens to impact not only the agency but anyone considering a trip into the national parks next year.
The 1st Death Valley Natural History Conference will be held November 15-17, 2013, at the Furnace Creek Visitor Center Auditorium in Death Valley National Park, and officials have issued a call for papers.
In its annual list of species considered to be candidates for Endangered Species Act protection, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has cited at least 12 species that either can be found, or were found, in the National Park System.
The Furnace Creek Visitor Center is the primary visitor information facility at Death Valley National Park, and after half a century of use, it was due for some upgrades. A weekend event earlier this month celebrated completion of the project.
You can add Death Valley National Park to the list of national parks that have their own "mini-guide" on the Traveler. Visit these pages and you'll find information on hiking, lodging, camping, birding, and more.
Dotting the sandstone floors of the Colorado plateau are countless potholes -- shallow depressions that hold water only for short periods after rains. But during those wet periods, these potholes come to life with a variety of intriguing creatures, including fairy shrimp.
Never mind the heat (although, Death Valley does lay claim to the highest officially recorded temperature on Earth.) It's the geology that captures your mind as you roam this sprawling national park. The sand dunes. The eroded hillsides and carved canyons. The alluvial fans painted scarlet, lemon, orange and purple with wildflowers after wet winters.