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Glen Canyon National Recreation Area

Partners Set Records In 2018 For Quagga Mussel Inspections And Decontaminations

The partnership of the Utah Department of Natural Resources, the National Park Service and the boating community has set records in 2018 for vessel inspection and decontamination for quagga mussels. The two agencies contacted over 200,000 visitors, inspected over 64,000 vessels, and decontaminated over 4,200 vessels at five primary launch ramps at Lake Powell. Additionally, over 140 boats were placed in quarantine statewide.

Nonnative Quagga Mussels Impacting Glen Canyon National Recreation Area

Though only about the size of a dime, nonnative shellfish from the other side of the world have infested Lake Powell at Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, where they are impairing beaches, encrusting some boats, and threatening the hydropower operations of the Glen Canyon dam. They also pose a threat to one of the National Park System's top economic drivers.

Flying Home: The Colorado Plateau From Above And Below

No one writes today about the Colorado Plateau and the American Southwest with the eloquence and insight of Craig Childs. With his five books about this region he joins Mary Austin, Joseph Wood Krutch, Ann Zwinger, Ed Abbey, and Terry Tempest Williams in describing and celebrating the natural and cultural heritages of this region.

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