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Grand Teton National Park

National Park Service Sued Over Potential For Grizzly Deaths At Grand Teton National Park

Human encroachment, elk feedlots, and climate change increasing are puttin pressure on the survival of grizzly bears in the greater Yellowstone ecosystem, and the annual elk reduction hunt at Grand Teton National Park is an unnecessary stressor that is impacting the bears' survival in the ecosystem, according to a lawsuit filed against the National Park Service, Interior Department, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Concessionaires Want More Investment, Business Opportunities, In National Parks

National park concessionaires, deeply concerned over what they see as three decades of stagnant visitation to the National Park System, want Congress to authorize better marketing of the parks, longer "high" seasons in the parks they believe would generate more revenues for infrastructure improvements, and expanded concessionaire opportunities in the parks.

National Park Service Sitting On Half-A-Billion Dollars Of Concessions Obligations

Across the National Park System, the National Park Service has an estimated half-a-billion-dollars of obligations owed concessionaires who run lodges, restaurants, and even some activities. It's a sum that, while agency officials say it's manageable, has seemingly stifled concessions competition in some parks and diverted tens of millions of dollars from others to reduce debts.

Climb The Grand Teton...Virtually!

The view from atop the Grand Teton is incredible. To the west, the Jedediah Smith Wilderness stands. To the north, Yellowstone National Park. To the east, Jackson Hole, with the moraine that is Timbered Island so very well defined. If you haven't climbed to the top of the 13,770-foot peak in Grand Teton National Park yet, or can't, you can still enjoy the view.

Congresswoman Takes Another Shot At Opening Up Paddling Opportunities In Grand Teton, Yellowstone National Parks

Legislation to open up paddling opportunities in Grand Teton and Yellowstone national parks has been reintroduced by a Wyoming congresswoman, but it contains too many flaws the National Parks Conservation Association believes.

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