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Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve

International Planetary Dunes Workshop Brings Aeolian Scientists to Great Sand Dunes National Park & Preserve

Terrestrial and planetary dunes scientists from three continents met in May at Alamos, Colorado, to explore opportunities for collaborative planetary dunes research. The dunes at Great Sand Dunes National Park & Preserve are similar to ones on Mars, so a field trip to the park was a workshop highlight.

Photo-shopped or Actual?

While the image might look like a photo-shopped creation blending a majestic bull elk with sand dunes and snow-capped peaks, this setting actually can be found in the National Park System, and not in Alaska.

The photo was taken in Great Sand Dunes National Park in Colorado. According to park officials, quite a few elk live year-round "in the grasslands west of the main dunefield." They head to spring-fed creeks, such as Big Spring Creek, to slake their thirst.

National Park Service

Resolved: I’ll Visit at Least These Five National Parks in 2009

In the past, my national park visiting has been too intermittent and unfocused for comfort. But this year my New Year’s Resolutions are going to provide a sense of purpose and direction. Five parks is a very doable agenda. My list includes three Sure Things, a True Confession, and one Unfinished Business.

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