What would you think if the state of Washington cast its eyes on the volcanic furnace room of Mount Rainier National Park to help supply its energy? Or if Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho's lawmakers decided they should tap Yellowstone National Park's geothermal hot spot to generate power?
For less than seven cents a day, visitors can enjoy Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park, Pu‘uhonua o Hōnaunau National Historical Park, and Haleakalā National Park by purchasing the annual tri-park pass, which is good for one year from the date of purchase.
Though Haleakala National Park is renowned for its summit, down below there are tunnels of green you can vanish into. Marco Crupi captured this shot during a recent trip to Hawaii.
Climate change continues to hover over various iconic aspects of the National Park System -- the glaciers in Glacier National Park, Joshua Trees at Joshua Tree National Park, and now perhaps the Haleakalā silversword plant at Haleakalā National Park in Hawaii.
Residents of Hawaii, or mainland travelers who visit the islands frequently each year, can find a bargain in a "TriPark Pass" being sold for entry into Hawai‘i Volcanoes, Pu‘uhonua o Honaunau, and Haleakala national park entrance stations.
An unusual population of whales -- the false killer whales that live in the waters around the Hawaiian islands -- could gain Endangered Species Protection due to its dwindling population.
Haleakala National Park and other Hawaiian sites provide nesting habitat for the Hawaiian petrel, an endangered pelagic bird that faces many hazards, including the perilous flight that fledglings must make from nest to sea.
For some park travelers, winter trips conjure up images of snow-covered landscapes, but for others the season means sun and sand. Here are some suggestions for NPS sites where milder winter weather offers a fine time to enjoy parks that are just too toasty or buggy for most of us during the summer.