New housing for seasonal staff at Mammoth Cave National Park in Kentucky is being proposed by the National Park Service, which is calling for two two-story housing units, with parking, storage facilities, an indoor gathering space, utilities, and a pavilion for gathering and recreation to replace outdated and structurally questionable housing.
Spoon-sized fossils found within Mammoth Cave National Park in Kentucky belonged to a previously unknown shark species that swam hundreds of millions of years ago.
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The National Park Service is calling for an increase in a number of fees at Mammoth Cave National Park in Kentucky, and is even proposing a fee for charging EV vehicles.
Two caves and valuable wildlife habitat could soon be added to Mammoth Cave National Park in Kentucky under legislation calling for nearly 1,000 acres to be added to the national park.
After much of Mammoth Cave National Park in Kentucky was closed for three days to allow cleanup of storm-downed trees and address power issues, the park was fully open Tuesday.
Mammoth Cave National Park in Kentucky was closed for the third straight day Monday as crews worked to return power to the park in the wake of storms last week.
Yo-Yo Ma, the world-famous cellist who has been performing "pop up" concerts in the National Park System, will appear in Kentucky at Mammoth Cave National Park in April to perform with the Louisville Orchestra.