A celebration of the season will be held at Mesa Verde National Park on December 6, when parts of the park will glow under the soft light of luminaria and rangers will lead visitors through Spruce Tree Houe.
Eight centuries ago, for reasons still not fully understood, they got up and left. After roughly 700 years of living around and atop two slender mesas now recognized as part of southwestern Colorado, a society simply got up and left.
As summer gives way to fall, and fall to winter, we usually have more time to read, as there's less daylight outside. So what related to the national parks are you reading these days?
Visitors to Mesa Verde National Park this weekend will get a bonus if they stop by the Far View Lodge, where painter Jan Wright will be exhibiting water colors of the park she did while serving as Mesa Verde's artist-in-residence.
A long-held dream of superintendents at Mesa Verde National Park is about to come true. Construction workers are putting the finishing touches on the Mesa Verde National Park Visitor and Research Center, a $12.1 million facility set to open November 26.
If you’re in mood to travel, September and October are wonderful months to spend in the national parks. The crowds have departed, the animals are busy, and the fall color beckons. Now is the time park friends also host an array of workshops tailor-made for life-long learners.
It’s not often you walk out of a national park lodge restaurant feeling wowed. But that was my experience during a recent stay at the Far View Lodge at Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado.
Some 800 years after it was built within an alcove in southern Colorado, a section of Cliff Palace at Mesa Verde National Park is being threatened by a fault that is damaging the iconic cliff ruin.
There are a surprising number of World Heritage Sites in the National Park System. A new booklet tracks them and explains why they carry this distinction.