It’s March 2020 and now time for another national parks quiz with a little trivia thrown in. Are you ready to test your national parks knowledge? See how much you know on your own, first, before checking the answers at the end of the page.
The Southwest is riddled with public lands, and they are riddled with hiking opportunities. Where you go could be as simple as following your sightline into the landscape. But if you're not comfortable with that, it's nice to have a guidebook to help you find your way. This is one option.
Mesa Verde National Park is home not only to the ruins of Ancestral Puebloan cliff dwellings, but to ground dwellings as well, such as those seen at Coyote Village, a part of the Far View Site complex of ruins.
Contributing editor Rebecca Latson starts out the New Year with another national parks quiz and trivia piece.See how much park knowledge you possess before checking the answers at the bottom of the article.
The National Park Service, in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration, is considering a project that would rehabilitate Mesa Top Loop, Cliff Palace Loop, and Sun Temple Loop roads, improve physical accessibility at adjacent overlooks, improve sidewalks and parking areas, replace the current Visitor and Research Center intersection, and possibly widen the two-way sections of Mesa Top Loop and Sun Temple Loop roads to accommodate a bike lane.
You could say that Gustaf Nordenskiöld was one of the first grave robbers in the United States' Southwest. Back in 1891 he returned to Europe with hundreds of items, including human remains, from the lands that became Mesa Verde National Park. Now some of them are heading back to Mesa Verde.
Mesa Verde National Park, in Colorado, is a park that focuses on the architecture and culture of the Ancient Puebloans who inhabited this area for over 700 years. Spruce Tree House is the third largest cliff dwelling in Mesa Verde National Park, consisting of 130 rooms and 8 kivas.
If funding becomes available, Mesa Verde National Park staff this spring will begin removing unclaimed livestock that has been roaming the park's landscape.