A cloud hugging the top of Mount Rainier, an active volcano, prompted concern in the greater Seattle metro area Wednesday that the mountain was erupting and led the National Park Service and U.S. Geological Survey to assure the public that there was no ongoing eruption.
In this Part 2 continuation of the previous month’s photo column, Traveler contributing photographer Rebecca Latson continues her list of favorite park units for photography and why they are her favorites.
It’s August, summer, and hot in many units within the National Park System. So, this month’s quiz and trivia piece is all about water and its many forms.
National parks across the country continue to lag behind a court-ordered schedule to complete air-tour management plans and are failing to conduct environmentally required studies as they develop those plans, according to Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility.
"Tipsoo Lake is a popular summer destination on the eastern edge of Mount Rainier National Park. Located at Chinook Pass along State Route 410, this subalpine lake is set in a glacier-carved basin and surrounded by subalpine wildflower meadows. The area experiences heavy snowfall in winter, with snow lingering well into June or even July. State Route 410 closes for the winter season."
Traveler contributing photographer Rebecca Latson loves every single national park unit she’s ever visited, but she believes some parks are real standouts for certain categories of photography. In this month’s column, Rebecca lists some of those favorite parks.
It’s time to test those national park mental muscles with Quiz and Trivia #51. Find out how much you really know about units within the National Park System.
In the wake of the feet that go off trail and trample delicate vegetation at Mount Rainier National Park come the meadow restorers with their tools and native wildflower seeds.
Rehabilitation of the Stevens Canyon Road in Mount Rainier National Park in Washington state began on July 5 and is expected to create some traffic delays through the summer.