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North Cascades National Park

National Parks Quiz And Trivia #35: The Waterfall Edition

Waterfalls soothe us with their sounds, inspire our imaginations by their very presence, and, even refresh us, on occasion, with their cool spray. From the Pacific Northwest to the Eastern Seaboard, these cascades if water – named and unnamed – populate the National Park System. See how much you know about national park waterfalls, and maybe learn a little something, too.

Photography In The National Parks: Water, Water, Everywhere …

National parks and protected areas are brimming over with water scenes, from glaciers to snowy landscapes to ponds to rivers to misty mornings. Contributing photographer Rebecca Latson provides tips and techniques for how to capture those myriad forms of water (glaciers, snow, ponds, streams, rivers, mist, clouds) in a composition.

Fisher Kits, Thought To Be First Born In The Wild In 50 Years, Spotted In North Cascades

Washington state and federal biologists have found what is believed to be the first wild fishers to be born in the North Cascades in perhaps half a century. A female fisher, F105 was detected on a trail camera moving four kits on April 18, 2021, at her den in western Chelan County.

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