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Olympic National Park

Elwha River Restoration At Olympic National Park Offers Scientists Front-Row Seat To Nature At Work

While cranes and other heavy equipment were the most visible tools used to dismantle dams holding back Olympic National Park's Elwha River, nature itself has proved to be a mighty force in aiding the restoration of the rivershed from mountains to ocean.

Official Numbers Point To 2014 As Record-Setting Year For National Park Attendance

2014 was a record-setting year for attendance in the National Park System, where nearly 293 million visitors spent time, a jump of more than 5 million from the record year of 1999, according to official figures. While most of the "name brand" parks were packed, there were still some sites in the system where you could find some solitude.

Wilderness Defender: Carsten Lien And The Writing Of Olympic Battleground

A prominent figure of Seattle, Washington, Carsten Lien grounded his career in business and government with a love for Olympic National Park. Alfred Runte recounts how Lien fought to save the park after observing that it had been logged. The result was a history of the park disclosing the controversy of saving old-growth forests from the Park Service itself. The book is again available as Olympic Battleground: Creating and Defending Olympic National Park. Second edition, reissued.

"To Conserve Unimpaired...", Unless Told Otherwise By Congress

Students of National Park Service history are well-familiar with the National Park Service Organic Act, particularly the section of it that reads that the agency's primary mandate is, " conserve the scenery and the natural and historic objects and the wild life therein..." But there should be a caveat inserted, one that permits the agency to look away from that mandate.

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