Among the functions performed by the National Park Service, few can top "fire management" in terms of costs, public safety, and impacts on both park and adjacent property and activities. That said, you may wish to take advantage of the opportunity to review and comment on the agency's new Wildland Fire Strategic Plan: 2014-2019.
These chickadees were captured on canvas by Marsha Karle, a former National Park Service employee who now concentrates on painting. She draws almost all of her inspiration for her wildlife paintings from the national parks. You can learn more of her story, and of other painters in the parks, in Traveler's Essential Guide, Winter.
Winter in the National Park System often brings to mind frosty snowscapes, places where you can skim on skinny skis, or clomp along in snowshoes that, though a bit cumbersome, help you go places you might not venture without them.
It was a (hopefully not) one of those once-in-a-lifetime visits to a far off national park, and I was flat on my back. That, however, was not all bad at Virgin Islands National Park on the Caribbean island of St. John, where basking under the February sun on the sugar-sand beaches in between snorkeling adventures is de rigueur. Preferably with a cool drink in hand and a rattan mat beneath you.
A glance around the National Park System finds efforts to legislate paddling in some waters of Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks, GOP requests for list of possible national monuments, and a new director for the National Park Service's Intermountain Region.
Yellowstone National Park officials are proposing some changes to their outfitted pack trip regulations. Some would allow park officials to close areas of the backcountry to stock use if impacts are great.
A glance around the national parks shows opportunities to spend the year-end holidays in Yellowstone National Park's Lamar Valley, Native American celebrations at Grand Canyon National Park, and trail work at Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
More than a decade of debate, disagreement, and litigation took a step closer to settlement Tuesday when the National Park Service published its final rule for managing recreational winter-use in Yellowstone National Park in the Federal Register.