Ecologist George Wuerthner takes exception to the Buffalo Field Campaign's effort to see tribes given co-stewardship of Yellowstone National Park's bison herds.
A group that long has questioned how the National Park Service manages bison at Yellowstone National Park wants to see tribal entities given co-stewardship of the iconic animals along with seeing their numbers rise 10-fold to 50,000 in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.
Once upon a time, there might have been 60 million bison on the North American continent. The herds were so large that they covered prairies like immense horizon-stretching black cloaks, and their annual migrations carved such wide paths into the landscape that some were turned into roads by human travelers.
The Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel and Cabins in Yellowstone National Park, closed since last year's historic flood damaged the area's wastewater system, are set to reopen Saturday.
The epicenter of the magnitude-6 Yellowstone National Park earthquake on June 30, 1975 (a Monday!), was located along the north-central boundary of Yellowstone Caldera, a few kilometers (miles) southeast of Norris Geyser Basin.
Many of you visiting a unit within the National Park System capture photos for more than just Instagram, right? Maybe those shots will accompany a blog, report, or other online/paper publication. How you photographically document your subject determines the extent to which your viewing audience will understand and appreciate that feature, concept, or process.
It's only mid-June, but wildfire conditions are creeping up in some areas of the National Park System, with Voyageurs National Park issuing a ban on wood or charcoal fires and Yellowstone National Park warning visitors of moderate fire danger.
Geyser features are not static. They stop, they reactivate, they even cause new features to be formed near them. The latest article from Yellowstone Caldera Chronicles describes recent thermal activity, new features, and new eruptions on Geyser Hill at Upper Geyser Basin in Yellowstone National Park.
Death Valley National Park covers much more acreage than just the valley itself. It’s the largest U.S. national park outside of Alaska at 3,422,024 acres. With a park that size, you probably aren’t going to see everything you want in the space of a day or a week, for that matter. But you can still see and do plenty, even if you have no more than three days.