During 2006, 11 homicides were investigated across the national park system. Two involved women who had been pushed off cliffs, one was a suicide, and one was the victim of a DUI accident.
Perhaps objections to park entrance fees would be muted if the parks once again handed out distinctive decals to visitors as they entered the park. This picture, taken in 1922, shows how this proud park visitor decided to display her collection.
If a wolf turns up in Rocky Mountain National Park, it will be protected by the Endangered Species Act. But plans by the Bush administration to remove ESA protection from Yellowstone's wolves could make it incredibly hard for the predators to migrate down to Colorado.
This Saturday, in West Yellowstone, Montana, members of the Buffalo Field Campaign rallied outside of Yellowstone National Park's West Entrance to call attention to and protest the ongoing hazing and killing of Yellowstone bison by the National Park Service and Montana's Department of Livestock.
Now, even though the snow continues to pile up in various parts of the country, is the time to begin planning your backcountry escape into the national park system.
Yellowstone National Park officials met earlier this week with several representatives from Wyoming to discuss the options at their disposal for bombing snow-covered mountain slopes in our nation’s first national park. Why? To keep it clear of avalanche danger for the handful of snowmobiles and snowcoaches that enter the park through Sylvan Pass on the park’s east side each day during the winter season.
It's only January, the Super Bowl has yet to be played, and the Rocky Mountain states are up to their necks in snow. Sooooooo, it must be time to book your summer national park vacation.
I've got to hand it to the Buffalo Field Campaign, the group that doesn't believe shooting bison is a smart way to manage Yellowstone National Park's bison herds. The folks there are always thinking of innovative ways to raise money for their efforts.