Scientists skilled in geologic chemistry say gases released from some of Yellowstone National Park's thermal features point to a new hypothesis for how Earth obtained the "ingredients" needed to spawn life.
The bison pipeline from Yellowstone National Park to the Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux leaders in Montana continues to operate, with 11 more bison shipped from the park to the Fort Peck Indian Reservation.
Work begins next weekend to capture grizzly bears in Yellowstone National Park to continue studies into how the bears are doing in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.
Two Philadelphia women who ventured off a boardwalk in Yellowstone National Park's Midway Geyser Basin earlier this month and trampled the colorful bacterial mat that rings Opal Pool are each $457 lighter and spending two nights in jail after appearing before the federal magistrate in the park.
Altering human behavior is proving harder than providing for humans, at least in the case of a temporary parking area created near the Fairy Falls trailhead in Yellowstone National Park. And because of that, the parking lot will be removed this fall.
There's always a lot of shaking, rattling, and occasional rolling going on in Yellowstone National Park. Keeping track of it is the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory, one of five such observatories under the purview of the U.S. Geological Survey. It keeps real-time tabs on volcanic, hydrothermal and earthquake activity in the Yellowstone Plateau volcanic field.
Summer is here. Americas are hitting the road for the national parks by the tens of thousands. People from all over the country are tired of coronavirus lockdown and they are breaking free to public lands like national parks. Totally understandable, but should YOU join the rush to the national parks? For many reasons, the answer is a firm no!
While visitor traffic has been building in Yellowstone National Park, park employees and staff so far seem to have been able to avoid contracting Covid-19, according to the latest testing.
Too much ambition and too little financial transparency greatly hamstrung Yellowstone Forever in its fledgling years, and now the organization finds itself fighting for its life at a time when the coronavirus pandemic has been crippling for nonprofits that depend greatly on philanthropy.