Just because it’s winter and many trails, areas, and facilities within the national parks are closed for the season doesn’t mean a shutdown of the parks’ news. Below are a few items that have come to the Traveler’s attention and are now brought to your attention.
Happy New Year! In keeping a tradition began with the National Parks Traveler some eight years prior, contributing photographer Rebecca Latson has listed her 10 favorite shots captured during 2021. Rebecca explains why she likes the image and how she got the shot.
How much do you really know, or think you know, about the various units within the National Park System? Test your national parks knowledge and maybe learn something new with this Quiz and Trivia #45.
Contributing photographer Rebecca Latson joined the ranks of others escaping to the national parks in 2021 and returned with enough written and photographic material for a year’s worth of photo columns. In this 2021 Year in Review, Rebecca shares her favorites with you.
Are you ready for that national park trip? Traveling solo, or with one or more people? Is this a spur-of-the-moment choice or have you done a little research into things like the weather, the terrain, and/or the difficulty level of the trails in this park unit? Are you taking what you need for yourself and your camera?
It might come as a surprise to those who view Yosemite National Park only as an iconic valley and a grove of soaring sequoias, but there are more than 800 miles of hiking trails in that park. And to get a feeling for those trails, we’re joined by Elizabeth Wenk, the author of the 6th edition of Your Complete Hiking Guide/Yosemite National Park from Wilderness Press.
Canyonlands, Great Sand Dunes, Sequoia, and Guadalupe Mountains national parks were all established during the month of September. It’s also the birthday month for notable George Bird Grinnell. So, guess what this latest National Parks Quiz and Trivia piece is all about?
Great Basin National Park in Nevada covers 77,100 acres of desert and mountain terrain, providing plenty of opportunities for great photo compositions. Contributing photographer Rebecca Latson recently returned from a three-day visit to this national park and provides examples of the kind of shots you can get with your own camera.
"Rising nearly 5,000 feet above Yosemite Valley and 8,800 feet above sea level, Half Dome is a Yosemite icon and a great challenge to many hikers. Despite an 1865 report declaring that it was 'perfectly inaccessible, being probably the only one of the prominent points about the Yosemite which never has been, and never will be, trodden by human foot,' George Anderson reached the summit in 1875, in the process laying the predecessor to today's cable route."