It will be somewhat of a challenge to drive into the heart of Zion National Park from the east for most of April as a section of the Zion-Mount Carmel Highway will be closed for three weeks' of repairs beginning April 9.
The Zion-Mount Carmel Highway running through Zion National Park, Utah, guides park visitors past ancient cross-bedded sand dunes. Can you tell which way the wind blew to create these now-lithified sand layers?
One lane of the Zion-Mount Carmel Highway, which was partially closed earlier this month by a storm that undercut a section of pavement in Zion National Park, was to reopen Wednesday evening, but with limitations.
Zion National Park rangers are looking for a man they believe entered the Watchman Campground around January 25 and took an unspecified amount of money from the fee drop box.
While engineers are working on a plan to fix an undercut section of the Zion-Mount Carmel Highway at Zion National Park, the eastern segment of the road is reopening to the tunnel.
Volcanics, no solar eclipse, and wildfires no doubt all played a role in the decline of visitation to the National Park System in 2018, when slightly more than 318 million visits were recorded, a drop of 13 million from the year before.
An unusually wet winter is causing havoc in Zion National Park, where a landslide has forced closure of the Zion-Mount Carmel Highway, the park's only entrance from the east.
An Arizona man was trapped overnight in the backcountry of Zion National Park in Utah when he stepped into a patch of saturated sand and soon found the leg stuck up to its knee.