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Glacier National Park

Classic Road Bike Rides in the National Parks of the Intermountain West

Experiencing our national parks’ grandeur from the saddle of a road bike is a bit like summiting a high peak. The arduous pedal through the park is rewarded with the scenery and equally thrilling descent from the park roads’ high points. Fall is sublime for cycling in national parks, so with the season quickly approaching, now is the time to experience the Mountain West’s greatest national park road cycling routes.

End-to-End Travel On "Sun Road" in Glacier National Park Ends Sept. 21 Due to Road Work

Fall can be a fantastic season to experience Glacier National Park, what with the crisp air, wildlife on the move, color streaking the forests, and crowds somewhere else. But road construction on the Going-to-the-Sun Road could complicate things for even the savviest traveler.

Here's a Handy Website For Following National Park Issues Concerning World Heritage Sites

Quite a few U.S. national parks are listed as World Heritage Sites, and they're often in the news. There's a handy website out there run by the National Park Service's Office of International Affairs that can help you stay abreast of issues involving this sites.

Glacier National Park Announces Winding Down of Concession Operations

It's hard to believe, particularly since Labor Day Weekend is a week later than normal this year, but the closing of many concession operations in Glacier National Park isn't that far off. It seemed just yesterday that they finally were able to open the Going-to-the-Sun Road from end-to-end, and now the prospect of snows closing it back down isn't too terribly far off.

On Politics, Bureaucracy, and "Glamping" In the National Park System

The National Park Service's National Leadership Council met in Ohio last week. The meeting of the agency's top management was supposed to be the first under the direction of Jon Jarvis as Park Service director. Political gamesmanship, and apparently a dose of bureaucracy, unfortunately left Mr. Jarvis wearing his Pacific West Region director's hat.

Climate Change and National Parks: A Survival Guide for a Warming World -- Wolverines of the Northern Rockies

If ever there was an enduring symbol of the wildness of the Rocky Mountains, it would be the wolverine. While wolves and grizzly bears usually come to mind when talk turns to the Rockies’ animals that conjure images of the wild, the diminutive wolverine possesses a legendary reputation for toughness, resilience, and, some would say, cantankerousness.

Search for Human-Habituated Grizzlies in Glacier National Park Ends With Two Dead Bears

A grizzly sow that had come to view humans as a source of food in Glacier National Park has been killed by rangers, who also accidentally killed one of her yearling cubs when they tried to tranquilize it. The killings Monday brought to a close a long-running effort by park rangers to get the sow and her two cubs to rely on their natural food sources and to avoid backcountry travelers.

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