In what no doubt will be great news to many of our regular readers, we've integrated a new email notification system in the Traveler. With this upgrade, you can now wield better control over emails notifying you of new content.
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The instructions are pretty self-explanatory on your personal account page. (A link to that page should appear in the Visitor Center box after you log in.) For following a particular thread, such as the comments tagged onto the post about Joe Miller's desire to see all national parks in Alaska turned over to the state of Alaska, click on the Thread link, and in the Node box start typing "Joe Miller". That will cause a box to drop down with our stories on Joe Miller. Then simply click on the particular story you want to follow. It's as easy as that.
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Turning all Alaska property over to the state of ALaska would stupid! There are many people throughout the world that would oppose this. Just look at the Pebble Creek Mine issue! That will threaten what is probably the most important fishery in the world and that includes BEFORE recorded history. Simply put Joe Miller is WRONG! Alaska Dept of Fish and Game is the best state management group
I know of. The National Park Service has done an amazing job in Alaska. This issue is bigger than just Alaska. Alaska is a amazing part of the world and I believe one of the best.