If you see more than a few college students in Grand Teton National Park next week, it's because they're attending the National Park Service Academy during their spring break.
The academy, which runs Saturday through March 18, stems from Interior Secretary Ken Salazar's 2st Century Youth Conservation Corp and is designed to train future natural resource professionls. Park officials are managing it with help from the Student Conservation Association and the Teton Science Schools, an environmental education center based in Jackson, Wyoming.
College students attending Grand Teton’s NPS Academy will learn about the range of career opportunities within the Park Service through a variety of seminars, workshops, field trips and recreational activities. After successful completion of the spring break program, students will be placed into summer internships at a number of parks throughout the entire National Park System: national parks that range from Acadia in Maine to Mount Rainier in Washington, from the Grand Canyon in Arizona to Glacier in Montana and many others in between.
Prominent Park Service professionals will address the students and help to inspire them toward future NPS careers. Special guest speakers will include former NPS Director Robert G. Stanton (1997-2001), currently serving as a senior advisor to Secretary Salazar with a focus on youth and diversity in the Interior’s public programs and workforce.
The Student Conservation Association (SCA) is the only national organization that develops tomorrow's conservation leaders by providing high school and college students with conservation service opportunities in all 50 states, from urban communities to national parks and national forests. Since 1957, SCA's hands-on practice of conservation service has helped to develop new generations of conservation leaders, inspire lifelong stewardship, and help to save the planet.
Teton Science Schools is a private, non-profit educational organization, operating year-round in Jackson Hole in partnership with Grand Teton National Park. Since 1967, TSS has provided education about the natural world and the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. The organization educates and inspires hundreds of children, youth and adults each year through the study of nature and place-based experiences. TSS’ innovative programs serve students from across Wyoming, the Intermountain West, the nation and the world.
For further information on the NPS Academy, contact Susanne McDonald at 307-739-3656 or by email.
I wish I'd known about programs like this back when I was in college thirty years ago.