What could be better than a fall hike through Shenandoah National Park? How 'bout one with old, and new, friends from the Shenandoah National Park Trust?
The trust and Wild Virginia are co-sponsoring a hike along Wildcat Ridge and Riprap Hollow on Sunday, October 20, from 9 a.m.-- 2 p.m. There are two options for the hike, one running 7 miles, the other just under 10.
Hikers should meet at the Riprap Hollow Trailhead at Milepost 90 on Skyline Drive. From there you'll carpool to the Wildcat Ridge Trailhead to begin the hike.
This "strenuous-but-wonderful trek" features a 2,000-foot elevation gain, and will lead you along Meadow Run and through Shenandoah's fall colors from Calvalry Rocks and Chimney Rock.
Hikers opting for the 7-mile route will end at the Riprap Hollow trailhead. Hikers who choose the 9.75-mile option will return to the Wildcat Ridge trailhead via the Appalachian Trail.
Hikers are asked to bring lunch, snacks, water and come prepared for varying temperatures and possible precipitation. There will be several stream crossings, and your feet might get wet if the water is high.
This outing is limited to 20 participants. RSVP is required. Please register here to reserve your spot.
Sounds like a great hike.