Structural concerns have forced Theodore Roosevelt National Park officials to find a new site for their visitor center in the North Unit, and they're looking to the public for input on their plans.
The current visitor center has been abandoned since last July because of recurring structural issues. The size of the replacement visitor center is unknown at this time, but is not expected to exceed 4,700 square feet, the size of the abandoned one.
The replacement visitor center will also house employee office space for the North Unit staff. Since last summer, buildings normally used for staff housing have been used as a temporary visitor center and for office space. The temporary visitor center is located in the Juniper Campground, six miles from the North Unit’s entrance. It is currently closed for the winter.
“We are moving as quickly as possible on this project so that we can provide better service to our North Unit visitors,” said Superintendent Valerie Naylor. “In the meantime, we will continue to serve visitors with temporary facilities.”
The NPS has begun work on an Environmental Assessment that explores the details of the project. As a part of this effort, the park is requesting public input regarding the proposed project to identify issues of concern, alternative building sites and solutions that could be explored in more detail. The comments and materials offered will be used to determine if the proposed building replacement project may have environmental impacts that merit consideration, and the proposed project is consistent with current and future uses within the project area.
Comments will be incorporated into the environmental planning process and EA document as appropriate. The public will be given an opportunity to review the completed EA and provide additional comments regarding this project.
To view details on the park’s proposal, visit this site. Once there, you'll find a document list that provides background information on the proposal and a map showing the approximate locations for three alternative building sites.
The public comment period will end March 6. If you are unable to provide comments on or before March 6th and still desire to do so, please notify the park to request an extension. Comments may be submitted directly on the PEPC website or may be sent via letter to: Superintendent, Theodore Roosevelt National Park, PO Box 7, Medora, ND 58645 or via e-mail to
Whatever they do I hope they don't fill it with Disney like interactive exhibits and merchandise. Too often, instead of orientating the public to get out and see the thing itself modern visitor centers are geared toward getting people to stay inside and spend money.
The Park now has a opportunity to educate visitors on how instrumental Teddy Roosevelt was to the Park System. Most folks do not know the National Park history.