The 2013 Rim Fire was the largest forest fire in California history, and the largest fire in the history of Yosemite National Park. Burning 400 square miles, the speed and size of the fire was unprecedented. As these unnaturally large fires become more commonplace due to previous fire suppression and climate change, Yosemite today is seeing the benefits of carefully allowing smaller, controlled fires on the landscape.
Looking Back At The Rim Fire In Yosemite National Park (Video)
Published Date
January 15, 2015
Thank you Kurt for posting this video, As I was employed on the RIM fire, I can tell you what a difference we observed in the" Rim Fire Behavior" when it hit the park boundary and the areas that had either been treated with prescribed fire or managed fire for multiple objectives. It is extremely interesting to go back now and see the fire effects, particularly in the park, as opposed to the USFS burned areas where managed fire has been on hold to a large extent. Everyone involved in the fire containment effort really did an outstanding job, America at its best.