With Glacier National Park in Montana welcoming record crowds this year, visitors traveling the popular Going-to-the-Sun Road can now expect additional congestion at multiple locations due to construction.
Repair work recently began on three segments of the rock guard wall along Going-to-the-Sun Road between Triple Arches and Oberlin Bend. Visitors should plan on 15-minute delays, with one-lane traffic control during daylight hours and traffic control lights at night. Although both lanes will be open during Labor Day weekend, Sept. 3-5, the lane closures will resume after. Construction on the wall will continue until winter weather halts work.
At the east entrance at St. Mary, the segment of roadway between the two entrances and exits at the St. Mary Visitor Center parking area will be closed for construction from Sept. 19 to May 26 of next year. Traffic will be detoured through the St. Mary Visitor Center parking areas. Fees will be collected in the visitor center during construction when the Going-to-the-Sun Road is open.
Farther west at Avalanche, the south portion of the Trail-of-the-Cedars, between Going-to-the-Sun and the trailhead to Avalanche Lake, will be closed Sept. 6 to begin work on the Avalanche Creek footbridge. The boardwalk portion of the trail leading to the Avalanche Lake Trailhead will be open. Flaggers will be on site to accommodate campground traffic.
On Sept. 20, the roadway into the campground at Avalanche Creek will be closed to all traffic except for administrative and construction personnel. Due to a segment of the boardwalk being removed in order to access construction operations, this portion of the Trail-of-the-Cedars will be closed during construction.
On Oct. 17, Going-to-the-Sun Road will be closed to vehicular traffic beginning at the 1.5 mile gate. Hiker-biker travel can access the east side of the road by using the newly reconstructed pathway near the St. Mary Visitor Center. The area will close to traffic until May 26.
When is something going to be done about the condition of the road from Babb, MT to Many Glacier? It's has been terrible for years.