“Beep. Beep. Beep.” The signal from the Soviet satellite known as Sputnik terrified Americans in the fall of 1957 and changed the world. If the Russians could put a satellite into space, it stood to reason that they could launch a nuclear missile to the United States.
The launch of the world’s first satellite on October 4, 1957, jump-started the space race and would lead directly to the beginning of the Air Force’s Minuteman missile program one year later.
On Saturday, October 7, the park will mark the 60th anniversary of Sputnik’s launch into orbit with a series of events at the visitor center. Visitors of all ages can become Junior Missileers by making and launching paper rockets from 10 a.m. to noon.
Through the support of Eastern National, the park will also offer a unique Build-A-Sputnik activity. Visitors will also be able to take home their own LEGO Sputnik model on a first come, first served basis as the free kit is available in a limited quantity.
At 11:30 a.m. a special program, “Sputnik: The ‘Beep’ that changed the World,” will occur in the visitor center theater. This program will explore the missile programs of both the USSR and US prior to the launch of Sputnik and how this one launch triggered both the nuclear arms and space races.
Twice during the day a special two-part program, “Care and Feeding of Minuteman Missiles” will begin at the visitor center theater at 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. This program will include the opportunity to join a past missile maintainer at the Delta-09 silo for questions and answers at 10:30 a.m. and again at 2:30 p.m.
During the orbit anniversary of Sputnik, from October 4 through January 4, a special national park Passport stamp will also be available in the Visitor Center.
Minuteman Missile National Historic Site's headquarters and visitor center is located off of exit 131, Interstate 90. The park consists of three sites along a 15-mile stretch of Interstate 90 in western South Dakota. Authorized by Congress in 1999, Minuteman Missile National Historic Site preserves components of the Minuteman II intercontinental ballistic missile system, interpreting the deterrent value of the land-based portion of America's nuclear defense during the Cold War era and commemorating the people and events associated with this recent period of American history.
Excellent news. It's good to see the NPS realizng that space ewxploration is an international activity which involves all of humankind. I'll pass this along to NASA and other colleagues.
"Space Ranger" Don