The Oregon Trail is this nation’s longest graveyard. Nearly one in ten emigrants who set off on the trail did not survive. Although death was not uncommon along the pioneer trails, designated marked gravesites were. Lack of materials, time, weather conditions, and terrain were all reasons that emigrants did not bury the ill-fated.
However, despite the mass westward migration ending over 150 years ago, some pioneer grave sites are still visible.
Scotts Bluff National Monument and the National Historic Trails Interpretive Center have teamed up to organize “Trail Trek: Spirit of the Pioneers” on Saturday, July 27th. This year’s Trail Trek will take participants to several known pioneer grave sites, some on private property, and follow the historic Oregon Trail.
Participants will meet at Scotts Bluff National Monument near Gering, Nebraska, then caravan to Robidoux Pass, and proceed west towards the Henry, Nebraska, area with the final destination being at the Old Iron Bridge near Fort Laramie. Along the way, there will be stops at the graves of pioneers: Henry Hill, Charles Bishop, and William Clary.
Evidence of the thousands of wagons moving across the landscape will be visible in the form of swales, or depressions. Stops and discussion along the way will focus on the impact that trade, travel routes and disease had on this part of the Overland Trails.
This Trail Trek looks to share with participants the beauty of the landscape coupled with the harsh realities travelers faced along the route; and will provide an experience and connection between the past and present, which will connect participants to America's natural and cultural heritage.
Due to the off-the-beaten path of this Trail Trek, four-wheel drive or high clearance vehicles are required. Interested participants without this type of vehicle are encouraged to carpool. Participants should be prepared with a sack lunch, water, sunscreen, bug spray, and sturdy shoes. Although participants can depart the trek at any time, the full itinerary will last until approximately 4 p.m. depending on the weather and participation.
What: Trail Trek: Spirit of the Pioneers
When: Saturday, July 27th – 9 a.m.
Where: Meet at Scotts Bluff National Monument, 190276 Old Oregon Trail, Gering, NE 69341
Cost: Free and open to everyone – Four-wheel drive or high clearance vehicles required
Is this offered only this year or will it be an annual event?