Great Basin National Park's astronomy festival is set for September 9-11/NPS file
Great Basin National Park’s 12th annual Astronomy Festival has been scheduled for September 9–11.
The park, located in Baker, Nevada, is an International Dark Sky Park recognized by the International Dark Sky Association. As such, it features some of the darkest night skies in the country.
During the daytime, festival goers may safely view the sun through solar telescopes, enjoy ranger programs, and participate in kids’ activities. Each evening features different events, followed by hours of night sky viewing via telescopes staffed by astronomy volunteers.
The events start on Thursday, September 9, with solar viewing during the day then “Art in the Dark” program that evening. On Friday evening guest speakers include Cole Niebuhr, of Concordia University and the Great Basin Observatory. Saturday evening features the festival's keynote speaker, Dr. Charles Liu, from the American Museum of Natural History. Dr. Liu will be speaking on humanity's connections with the night sky and the stars within in it.
Generous support for the festival comes from the Great Basin National Park Foundation.
Great to have an opportunity to hear Dr. Charles Liu!
Anyone interested in the subject of astronomy should read the Astronomy and Astrophysics National Historic Landmark Theme study, https://www.nps.gov/parkhistory/online_books/butowsky5/astro.htm