Searchers spent the weekend looking for a Colorado man trapped by weather on Longs Peak/NPS
A Colorado man trapped by deteriorating weather died near the top of Longs Peak in Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado.
Park staff said Russell Jacobs, 25, of Westminster, called a friend late Friday afternoon to say he was lost and the weather was getting cold and stormy. He also was not prepared to endure wintry conditions or to spend an unplanned night above 13,000 feet. That information was relayed to park rangers, who were able to make brief contact wtih Jacobs via text to find out where on the mountain he was.
Jacobs let rangers know he was going to try to reach the Agnes Vaille Shelter, but after that message communication was lost, according to a park release.

The Agnes Vaille Shelter below the Keyhole on Longs Peak/NPS file
The Agnes Vaille Storm Shelter is located just below The Keyhole on Longs Peak. Rocky Mountain National Park Superintendent Roger Toll had the shelter built in 1927 in honor of his late friend, Agnes Vaille, a mountaineer who perished in a climb on Longs Peak.
Members from the park's search and rescue team began looking for Jacobs in the Boulder Field and Keyhole area of Longs Peak on Friday afternoon. Search efforts were hampered by accumulating snow, ice, 35+ mph winds, below freezing temperatures, night fall, and bitter windchill, the release said. Rangers were able to reach the Agnes Vaille Shelter, but could not locate Jacobs.
The search team set up shelter in the Boulder Field overnight in case the subject was still attempting to reach the trailhead. Searchers in the field reported snow and sleet continuing through the night in the search area.
Search efforts resumed prior to sunrise on Saturday. Rangers reported continued winter-like conditions in the area. A clearing in the weather allowed for Northern Colorado Med Evac air ambulance to fly over the search area to look for anyone in distress while rangers continued to search in the Boulder Field. The man’s body was located approximately 80 feet above The Ledges by park visitors.
On Sunday, rangers recovered Jacobs' body, which was transferred to the Boulder County Coroner’s Office.
The release did not indicate whether Jacobs died from a fall or hypothermia, saying the coroner would determine the cause of death.
Rip to a trusty rusty great dude
Rip. I was so scared of falling and aborted at top of trough back in 2020.