Badlands National Park (above) and Mount Rushmore National Memorial are banning commercial air tours over their parks/NPS file, Mackenzie Reed
Commercial air tours will be banned over Badlands National Park and Mount Rushmore National Memorial under plans completed by the National Park Service.
The parks, both located in South Dakota, and Glacier National Park in Montana are three that have chosen to either ban the flights immediately or phase them out over time.
It's been more than two decades since the National Park Service and Federal Aviation Administration were ordered by Congress to craft air tour plans, and the process has been slow, criticized, and targeted by lawsuits.
As parks across the National Park System released their draft plans, they revealed that there seemed to be no central goal for parks to follow. While Glacier's plan calls for all commercial air tours to be phased out by the end of 2029 because "[T]he preservation of natural sounds, protection of natural and cultural resources, wilderness character, and preserving visitor experience by addressing noise issues are priority NPS management objectives for the Park," at Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah officials told the National Parks Traveler they never considered a ban as they worked on a draft air tour management plan.
Staff at Bryce Canyon, and many other parks, claimed there were no significant impacts from the air tours to require more extensive environmental studies as the National Environmental Policy Act requires, and so applied "categorical exclusions" that allowed them to avoid those studies.
The NPS and FAA completed an air tour management plan for Badlands on Friday. The plan will prohibit commercial air tours over the park and within one-half mile outside its boundary to protect park resources including natural and cultural resources, tribal sacred sites and ceremonial areas, wilderness character, and visitor experience. The plan’s operating parameters will take effect within 180 days from the date of signature.
“We appreciate the work and engagement of the many stakeholders that worked with us on the development of the Badlands National Park Air Tour Management Plan. Prohibiting commercial air tours protects the cultural and spiritual significance of these lands to tribes, and is reflective of the experience desired by visitors,” said Badlands Superintendent Eric Veach.
The plan was developed in consultation with tribal nations with lands within or adjacent to Badlands National Park, and with tribes that attach historic and cultural significance to resources within the park.
The Mount Rushmore ban also will take effect with six months.
“We appreciate the engagement of the many stakeholders that worked with us on the development of the Mount Rushmore National Memorial Air Tour Management Plan. Prohibiting commercial air tours will protect the cultural and spiritual significance of these lands to tribes and will provide a peaceful setting for visitors to enjoy and experience,” said Superintendent Michelle Wheatley.
The Helicopter Association International has opposed the bans.
"Besides closing off opportunities for thousands of visitors to enjoy the natural beauty of the parks, the NPS aims to cut back air-tour flights to such a degree that some tour operations will close," the association, which represents more than 1,100 companies and over 16,000 industry professionals in more than 65 countries, said back in June.
“It is time to use our collective voice, even if you do not think you are affected by these proposals,” said James Viola, HAI president and CEO. “The Park Service will continue to produce these [air tour management plans] for other lands administered by them, so it is important that our industry speaks up now. I suggest that you also forward this message to your friends and colleagues so that the Park Service hears us loud and clear.”
According to the association, providing air tours "is an important workforce development pipeline for the vertical aviation industry. Reducing or eliminating these flights will create significant complications for an industry that is already facing a shortage of skilled personnel. Moreover, tourism is a major economic driver in both Hawaii [where flight reductions have been considered at Hawai'i Volcanoes and Haleakalā national parks] and South Dakota."
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