A group of visitors at Bright Angel Point on the North Rim/NPS file
The Bright Angel Point Trail on Grand Canyon National Park's North Rim leading to Bright Angel Point will be closed beginning Friday for construction.
The closure affecting all pedestrian traffic is to allow National Park Service personnel to replace asphalt, move large rocks, and operate equipment in these areas. The Park Service emphasizes the importance of always staying on designated trails, and visitors should never attempt to go over or around a closure.
This phase of the construction project is expected to be completed by November 2024. Schedules and closures may change or be delayed due to weather conditions or unforeseen circumstances. Visitors are encouraged to check the park’s website or stop at the Roaring Springs Overlook Kiosk for current and specific information regarding trail closures.
The Bright Angel Point Trail is located a quarter-mile from the Grand Canyon Lodge and is often the first scenic viewpoint visitors experience after their arrival at the North Rim. Other scenic viewpoints along the Transept Trail and North Rim Scenic Roads should remain open for the duration of the project.
It's good that they timed the construction to coincide with the highest annual visitation. Savvy park management right there.
Uh-Duh. The only time to stage work on from the North Rim.
It's the only time of the year that work can be done, Einstein!
Loui is right: this is terrible timing by the NPS.
Why not wait until September or October?